The 2020 Election: Remote Voting, Disinformation, and Audit, ISI’s Avi Rubin, USENIX

October 7, 2020

By all accounts, the 2020 election will be historic. Perhaps the most emotionally charged election in the history of the United States is happening in the midst of a global pandemic. Never before has disinformation about the process of voting come directly out of the White House. The results of the election are likely to be challenged, and the legitimacy of the results brought into question. Never has there been more pressure to safeguard the public perception of fairness and integrity, while at the same time COVID19 will stretch the ability of election officials to run a smooth election. Vote by mail will be widely adopted, and there will be pressure to move to remote electronic voting.

This fall, Information Security Institute’s Technical Director Avi Rubin moderated a panel, “The 2020 Election: Remote Voting, Disinformation,” with industry experts hosted by USENIX.

The panel addressed the questions of how to protect the legitimacy of the process. The panelists shared their experiences working with election officials, and discussed technologies such as end-to-end voting and risk-limiting audits.

To check out the panel, click here.


JHU Information Security Institute