In the second semester of their junior year and no later than the beginning of their senior year, current qualified JHU undergraduate students may apply for admission to a combined bachelor’s/master’s program which combines a B.S. or B.A. degree (in any department) with a Master of Science in Security Informatics (MSSI) degree from the Information Security Institute. This program allows students to simultaneously pursue both an undergraduate and a graduate degree program of study. Generally, the concurrent B.S./M.S.S.I. or B.A./M.S.S.I. program is accomplished in five years, although some students take more or less time. To the Registrar, you will remain an undergraduate student and your acceptance to the Graduate Program will be noted on your transcript. After you have received your undergrad degree, your primary department will become the Information Security Institute Graduate Program and you will start a new transcript. In any case, after 8 full-time semesters, you will receive a 50% tuition waiver.
Applicants are judged on the basis of their performance in courses, their letters of recommendation and their statements of purpose. If accepted, they must take at least one course per semester toward fulfilling the requirements of each degree (undergraduate and graduate). Double counting of at most two courses is subject to current WSE and departmental policies.
Students may not take a 600.3xx course as an undergraduate and the corresponding 600.4xx course for the MSSI. Upon admission to the program students will be assigned a graduate faculty advisor in the Information Security Institute who must approve the courses to be applied toward the master’s degree. For information on the requirements of the M.S.S.I. degree, see the link below, or ask in the departmental office for the document that lists those requirements.
Students apply for the Combined BS/MSSI program through the Graduate Admissions website:
Click on “Apply Now” and create an account for yourself. Under “Applying for” choose the “Combined Graduate Student”. The application will take you through the questions pertaining to the degree for which you are applying.
Here are the docs you will be uploading:
You will need the names, affiliations and email addresses of your recommenders. The system sends out an email prompting them to upload their recommendations.
Entering MSSI students are expected to have good computer knowledge in computer architecture/networking, programming, data structures, and discrete math. This can be shown through courses and in some cases through working experience and professional certification.
You can find a complete description of the Policies of the Combined Bachelor’s Master’s degree on the Homewood graduate website: